How to: Summer Devotion Time for People on the Go!

During the “dog days of summer” each year, most of our normal routines melt away with the last day of May and are quickly replaced with r-e-l-a-x-a-t-i-o-n and vaca time away from home. Ahhh!! Nothing wrong with that plan!

But as Christians, how can we grow in our relationship with the Lord over these next few months—rather than watching it evaporate into the lazy, schedule-free days of summer?

Relax the “rules”

No doubt—reading God’s Word and praying are great ways to develop our knowledge of the Lord while worshipping and seeking His direction for our lives! But, there may be brief seasons of the year—or seasons of life—when it’s not always possible to spend extensive periods of time in prayer or Bible study. And that’s ok! Scripture tells us in James 4:8 that whenever we come near to God, he will come near to us.

I’m glad to be reminded that being a Christ-follower isn’t about checking off a list of rules such as: How much? how long? or how many? Rather, it’s resting in a loving relationship with the Lord. He desires to meet up with us anytime and anywhere!

Summertime Devo. DO’s:


Listen to it!

  • Try listening to your daily Bible passage through audio play. The YouVersion® app has this option (along with some cool reading voices).
  • Look up podcasts by your favorite Christian speaker/pastor/Bible study leader for great listens when you’re short on time, or simply want a diversion in your normal devotional routine.

Post it!

  • Concentrate on shorter Bible verses that can be focused on (and possibly memorized) as you go through a full week or two this summer.
  • Write a Bible verse on an adhesive note and then stick it on your bathroom—or dressing table—mirror. Rehearse the words in your mind as you brush your teeth or do your hair each morning.
  • Use fun apps such as Word Swag or Instagram to create inspirational posts of Bible verses or quotes.

Express it!

Talking with God—aka prayer—can be done anytime and anywhere since He is omnipresent (meaning, He’s present everywhere at the same time). Sharing your innermost concerns, gratitude, and thoughts is a great way of building on your relationship with the Lord.

Sing it!

With all the great Christian songs at our fingertips, it’s easy to find music that is fun, worshipful, and easy to use for focusing our thoughts on God.

  • Plug in your earbuds and listen or sing along with uplifting Christian tunes as you go on your morning jog/walk—wherever you are.
  • Search out Christ-filled lyrics that speak to your heart, and build a new playlist for worshipful listening in the car during your next road trip.

Easy-to-do Prayer Ideas for This Summer (whether you’re at home or traveling)

  • Are you anxious about flying across the country to your vacation destination? Simply close your eyes and pray silently on the airplane.
  • Thinking about the amazing fun you’re having on the beach? Prayer-walk along the beachfront, thanking God for His magnificent creation of the ocean and stunning sunsets.
  • What about that Notes app on your phone? A prayer list can be started on it. Glance at it throughout the day as you pray down your list for each item this summer. Bonus points: can you come up with one prayer item for each day of summer break?

This summer, enjoy your weeks of relaxation with family and friends. And remember that God is with you wherever you go and in whatever you’re doing—day or night—all year ‘round. Rest in that fun fact, and keep things simple this summer!