L — Look for the best in others!
First impressions happen quickly—and they go both ways! It’s best to treat others the way we’d like to be treated. I want other individuals to give me a chance before taking a tally of my faults! So, look for—and point out—great traits you see in other people. Before you know it, those strangers will probably become some of your new best friends.

O — Offer ways to help (without being asked)!
It’s easy to assist when others ask (or beg) for our help. Who wants to be seen as a grump or unwilling to chip in for the good of someone else? But, the person that stands out in my memory is someone who offers their help straight out of the gate—without me pleading for it, bribing them, or having to pay them back in some way for simply being nice. As the saying goes, “Be a friend to have a friend.”
V — Validate others often!
This is simple Friendship 101. It’s beneficial in work relationships and those of more personal nature. By validating, I’m not saying you must agree wholeheartedly with everything others say. But respecting someone enough to hear their opinion, thoughts, and feelings about various matters goes a long way in showing love and care for them—whether or not you end up as best friends!

E — Encourage beyond the expected!
Life is not easy for many people. Regardless of the financial, spiritual, emotional, or physical status of those you contact each day—many are dealing with difficult matters they may not choose to share with you. By providing caring words of hope and kindness, you can lift the burden of someone without knowing any specifics related to their personal life.
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another”
(John 13:34).