Can Certain Foods Really Help Boost My Mood?

We all experience situations that can throw our attitudes for a loop. Sometimes we can pop back from disappointments without much trouble. On other days, the gloom lingers like a thick fog over our heads and we desperately wish for it all to clear—if we only knew how to hurry it along. So, what is your go-to coping method when you’re feeling down in the dumps?

Some people find exercise to be helpful. Others confide in their besties with the hope of receiving comforting words to lift their spirits. But did you know that certain foods can actually help boost your bummed-out mood for the better? It’s encouraging to know that we can get some emo. assistance from nutrients in foods that God created and intended for us to eat.

Of course, when I started researching this topic, I was crossing my fingers, with hopes that chocolate—from the cacao seedwould be on the list. And as it turns out, dark chocolate is there (in moderation, of course)!

But if you’re not a chocolate fan or your tastes crave more savory items than sweet ones, we’ve got you covered!


Good-for-you foods

Here’s a list of healthy foods (and beverages) to help your mood! Stock up on them at your house so you’ll be prepared for the next time your attitude needs an adjustment for the better.

  • Nuts – loaded with antioxidants, helpful in combatting disease
  • Whole Grains – a great source of carbs, fiber, and iron
  • Fruit – improves blood sugar levels, making them better to consume than other sugars
  • Vegetables — can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke


So, next time you’re feeling down and out, you may want to give yourself a natural [foods] boost and receive the added benefits of healthy nutrients.