Therapist Spotlight on Sarah Beth VanDyke

Sarah Beth VanDyke specializes in working with children, teens, and their parents. She has an exuding passion for helping children and teens navigate life’s difficulties while pointing them to Jesus Christ.

Q. Where did you go to school? Graduate School:

A. The University of Louisville

Q. What is a fond childhood memory?

A. Being at home as a family

Q. What is something you try to do each week?

A. Baking

Q. What is a favorite memory from growing up?

A. Going on vacation with my family

Q. What is a quote you think about often?

A. “You cannot keep birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair.” –Martin Luther

Q. What is a moment in counseling that stands out to you?

A. Receiving phone calls from former clients to update me on how they are living full, wonderful lives.

Q. If you had one piece of advice for most anyone, what would that be?

A. For believers, God is faithful! Even when we aren’t faithful, He remains steadfast.

Q. What truth from the Bible do you want everyone to know? 

A. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” –Romans 12:2

Q. What is something practical you learned during your years of preparing to become a therapist?

A. There is sometimes a massive difference between counseling theory and practical daily application.

To schedule an appointment with Sarah Beth, contact us at 615-824-3772.