Blog Posts on Holidays/Seasonal (Page 4)

When You Don’t Know How to Explain Easter to Younger Kids—Use Books!

Easter is a fun holiday to celebrate with children. But beyond egg hunts and brightly-colored Spring clothes, sometimes it’s hard to know how to experience (and explain) the true meaning of Easter with younger kids. Other than taking them to church on Easter—which is a great thing to do—consider additional avenues of educating your children…

Are You Living a Life of Thankfulness?

The family feast is coming soon, and I’m looking forward to it as much as anyone. My personal contribution to the spread this year includes two homemade pies—fudge and pecan—the traditional “pink stuff” dessert, and another side or two. These goodies are definitely a fun part of the annual festivities surrounding Thanksgiving Day. But other…

Looking for change? Try this.

Change. We all yearn for it and at times we dread it, but it is an ever-present part of our lives. Encountering change is front and center each January. New year, new you; Best year ever; Meet your goals…all these phrases promise change with the hope of something “better.” I’ve learned that in my pursuit…